Method Statements

Glass & Mirror Method Statements

Raw Materials

All Materials are procured according to the specifications and contract requirements. Materials required are ordered from our selected suppliers with proven track records and experience. To achieve the specified requirements our unit will carry out tests on materials and approve or reject as necessary. Classifications of content & quality of Glass, Mirror, Paints, and Aluminum Oxide for Sand Blasting, Silicon, Mirrors Screws, Plywood backings etc, are selected according to project requirements.

All incoming materials are inspected and checked against the delivery notes and packing lists. Non-confirming materials are returned to the supplier and identified as such on the list. Acceptable materials are entered on the stock control system by the storekeeper. The Production and quality supervisor examine all finished products to ensure that requirements are fully met. These will also be entered on the stock cards and checked against the quantity schedule.

Preparations of shop drawings are co-coordinated with the contract drawings, specifications, bills of quantities and actual site measurements. To ensure given dimensions and openings referred to in the drawings are maintained, measurements are double - checked by the draughts-men and site engineer and further information is formally requested from the Main Contractor and Consultants as necessary. Following preparations, all shop drawings are thoroughly checked by the Designer/Estimator prior to submittal for approval and only approved drawings are used for fabrications. Shop drawings reviews are carried out to ensure that the information, interfacing, material requirements etc are all taken into account. All shop drawings are being prepared by an AUTO CAD qualified draughts-men.

Schedules of cutting lists are prepared by the draughts-men and the production Supervisor based on the approved shop drawings and site measurements. These lists form the basis of workshop instructions for the machinery operators.

Programmes for elements of the order are prepared based on the approved construction programme supplied by the Main Contractor. The Production Planner in consultation with factory staff plans procurement, production and finishing.

Programmes of work are prepared using MS Project software. The Production Manager reviews all programmes prior to submission. Co-ordination of the various phases of work is carried out with the Main Contractor as necessary to achieve the project requirements. Programmes will include the procurement, production, delivery and installation phases as necessary. Company staffs are always available to liaise with clients concerning the progress of their order.

All samples for approval are as per the specifications, or approved equivalent depending on the contractual requirements. Installations for the sample/mockup rooms are always the subject of approval. Follow-ups are made to ensure that samples/ mock-ups will be submitted on time. When completed our representatives at site make request for the inspection by the Main Contractor/Consultant. Approvals will be advised in writing. Samples/Mockups are indicative of the standards of materials and installations. A copy of approved items will remain at the factory under the control of the Quality Controller to assure the quality and approved finish.

Following the approval of mockup and samples and review of the conditions of contract, work orders will be prepared by the estimator and approved by the Operations Manager. Work orders will be copied to the Production Manager, Factory Supervisor and delivery section. Relevant technical information will be attached to the orders to correctly describe the specified requirements and approvals given. Samples and Mockup will be provided to suppliers, if necessary.

Glass and Mirrors are classified according to sizes, types and purposes. These are segregated in the factory and distributed for cutting and installations according to the required cut and form. The cutting list schedule will be consulted prior to production to ensure quantities are correct. It is normal practice to calibrate machinery before production runs.

During production all Glasses and Mirrors are stocked with 3mm separating corks to ensure minimal scratches on the surface of the goods. In case of scratches appearing on the surface, our quality controller for the removal of these scratches utilizes buffing machineries. If grinding and polishing is required, product is further removed to our various edging machines. Finished goods on customer's request can be arranged to be packed in wooden crates. The Factory foreman and Quality Controller make production inspections.

It is essential that framing supports be secured for delivery and that mockups/samples are properly protected. All delivered items are stored in a secure location. All materials are stored on “A” Frames in their protective wrapping following visuals checks and identifications. Site storage is normally well ventilated but protected from dust.

Materials are carefully distributed to their designated locations for fixing. Where possible, mechanical means of movement are employed. Frame supports, where utilized are maintained until fixing. Sizes and locations of the material are checked against the shop drawings. Approved shop drawings are only used for installation. Installation is carried out under controlled conditions using inspection sheets to verify that the client's requirements are being fulfilled. Prior to the Main Contractor/Consultant inspection of the installed work, the site engineer will carry out snagging and only then will final inspection be requested. Following installations suitable protection is deployed to ensure finished and significant surface are isolated from damage by adjacent traders or trafficking.